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Back to School with Orbit Books

Bring a little joy to September with the OFFICIAL ORBIT BACK TO SCHOOL GUIDE.


Who really needs Maths and Science when you have ROBOTICS and WILDERNESS SURVIVAL!


SEISMOLOGY [sahyz-moluh-jee]


the science or study of earthquakes and their phenomena.



MEDICINE [meduh-sin]


any substance or substances used in treating disease or illness; medicament; remedy.

the art or science of restoring or preserving health or due physical condition, as by means of drugs, surgical operations or appliances, or manipulations: often divided into medicine proper, surgery, and obstetrics.

the art or science of treating disease with drugs or curative substances, as distinguished from surgery and obstetrics.

the medical profession.

(among North American Indians) any object or practice regarded as having magical powers.



LITERATURE [lit-er-uh-cher]




XENOBIOLOGY {XENOBIOTIC} [zen-uh-bahy-ot-ik]


a chemical or substance that is foreign to an organism or biological system.



AI & ROBOTICS [roh-bot-iks]

noun (used with a singular verb)

the use of computer-controlled robots to perform manual tasks, especially on an assembly line.


SELF-DEFENCE [self-di-fens]


the act of defending one’s person when physically attacked, as by countering blows or overcoming an assailant:the art of self-defense.

a claim or plea that the use of force or injuring or killing another was necessary in defending one’s own person from physical attack:He shot the man who was trying to stab him and pleaded self-defense at the murder trial.

an act or instance of defending or protecting one’s own interests, property, ideas, etc., as by argument or strategy.



CRIMINOLOGY [krim-uhnoluh-jee]


the study of crime and criminals: a branch of sociology.





a wild and uncultivated region, as of forest or desert, uninhabited or inhabited only by wild animals; a tract of wasteland.

a tract of land officially designated as such and protected by the U.S. government.

any desolate tract, as of open sea.

a part of a garden set apart for plants growing with unchecked luxuriance.

a bewildering mass or collection.





the occupation of reporting, writing, editing, photographing, or broadcasting news or of conducting any news organization as a business.

a course of study preparing students for careers in reporting, writing, and editing for newspapers and magazines.

writing that reflects superficial thought and research, a popular slant, and hurried composition, conceived of as exemplifying topical newspaper or popular magazine writing as distinguished from scholarly writing:He calls himself a historian, but his books are mere journalism.



PARAPSYCHOLOGY [par-uh-sahy-koluh-jee]


the branch of psychology that deals with the investigation of purportedly psychic phenomena, as clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, telepathy, and the like.


ECONOMICS [ek-uhnom-iks]


(used with a singular verb) the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind.

(used with a plural verb) financial considerations; economically significant aspects:What are the economics of such a project?