Teagan Frost’s top 5 tips to get you through another sh*tstorm of a year

Teagan Frost’s top 5 tips to get you through another sh*tstorm of a year

Eye of the Sh*tstorm

Teagan Frost’s top 5 tips to get you through another sh*tstorm of a year

As a government agent who can move things with my mind, I’ve seen a lot of wild sh*t and consider myself pretty resilient. If you’re looking for a few tips to help get you through another sh*tstorm of the year, don’t worry, I got you covered.

Cook Something!

Good food makes everything better. Grab something to drink, put some music on, dance around in your underwear, make something yummy. On second thought, scratch the underwear thing. Better to not put your junk near boiling liquids. Unless you’re into that sort of thing…

Don’t Blow Money on Weird Shit

The Internet is full of ads for things you don’t need. No, I do not want Wi-Fi enabled pyjamas. Hard pass on the recyclable dog lead. Combination fidget spinner/GPS? Get f*cked. Spend your money on good things. Food, movies, sex toys, video games…

Help Somebody, for Selfish Reasons

Basically, be a good human. Scientific studies show that helping people gives you a burst of feelgood chemicals in your brainmeats. I can’t be bothered to look them up right now, but trust me. Helping people makes you feel good.

Upgrade Your Sound

Music is awesome, so why are you still listening on those crappy wireless earbuds? If you love music, you deserve to listen to it in the best way possible. Thank me later.

Don’t Worry If Your Dreams Are On Hold

Don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t written that novel, got that dream job, asked your crush out. We are immersed in a situation unlike anything any of us have seen before, so give yourself a break. Put your dreams on hold for a few months. There’s no need to feel guilty about it.

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