Dialogue Books: An Inclusive Guide to Pride 2020

This June we’ll be experiencing a Pride like no other. Instead of hitting the streets, we’ll all most likely still be adapting to the realities of social distancing in every day life as we slowly see shops and businesses start to re-open. Here at Dialogue, though, we want to celebrate Pride as much as we ever would so we thought we’d share this handy guide to Pride 2020 and how you can get involved.
(Virtually) speed date
Pride London have partnered with Date in a Dash to bring the LGBTQ+ community a number of virtual dating events. Events, open to people of all sexualities and genders, will involve a number of four minute sessions where you can see whether you and your date connect.
Find out more here.
Dance the night away
The ‘Coming Back Out’ Ball is a virtual dance is for older members of the LGBTQ+ community. Organised by the National Theatre of Scotland and All the Queens Men production company, this event is completely free of charge.
Find out more here.
Host a virtual movie night
Check out a retinue of brilliant LGBTQ+ films and arrange to watch with friends via social media this Pride. Milk, a historically accurate biopic of Harvey Milk, is a great place to start! We would also recommend: The L Word, Paris is Burning or Boys Don’t Cry.
Campaign on behalf of the community
Although the parade is cancelled, you can still spend your Pride lobbying decision-makers in government. Make a start by writing to your local MP.
Put your money where your mouth is
There are numerous fantastic charities who are constantly working for the benefit of the LGBTQ+ community. You could make a donation to support their work and look into opportunities to volunteer alongside them. We suggest you do some research to find the charity that most aligns with your stance, but here is a good starting point:
Lead by example
Inclusive behaviour can go a long way. Prove yourself a true ally by continuing to demonstrate openness, tolerance and sensitivity to the LGBTQ+ community.
Broaden Your Reading List
Read stories from different perspectives, about different histories and contexts you have no experience of. Non-fiction is great for contextualising and giving you the tools to act, but fiction is a wonderful resource for building empathy and understanding, too. Keep an eye on our social media channels throughout the month as we shine a spotlight on books that centre the LGBTQ+ experience.
Share Your Story of Allyship
Part of the Pride London 2020 campaign, You! Me! Us! We!, encourages members of the LGBTQ+ community to share their stories of queer allyship. Find out more here.
Make sure that when members of the LGBTQ+ community are sharing their experiences, you listen. You may never be able to experience the world they live in, but the more you listen the more empathy and understanding you can build.
Share your Pride celebrations with us over on Instagram and Twitter using our handle @dialoguebooks and the hashtag #DialoguePride. Sending our solidarity and support from the team here to the entire Dialogue community.